checkkeys.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); checkkeys.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create 640x480 window: %s\n", loopwave.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); loopwave.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load %s: %s\n", argv[1], SDL_GetError()); loopwave.c: printf("Available audio drivers: "); loopwave.c: printf("%s", SDL_GetAudioDriver(i)); loopwave.c: printf(", %s", SDL_GetAudioDriver(i)); loopwave.c: printf("\n"); loopwave.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open audio: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); loopwave.c: printf("Using audio driver: %s\n", SDL_GetCurrentAudioDriver()); testatomic.c: printf("\nspin lock---------------------------------------\n\n"); testatomic.c: printf("AtomicLock lock=%d\n", lock); testatomic.c: printf("AtomicUnlock lock=%d\n", lock); testatomic.c: printf("\natomic -----------------------------------------\n\n"); testatomic.c: printf("AtomicSet(10) tfret=%s val=%d\n", tf(tfret), SDL_AtomicGet(&v)); testatomic.c: printf("AtomicAdd(10) tfret=%s val=%d\n", tf(tfret), SDL_AtomicGet(&v)); testatomic.c: printf("AtomicIncRef() tfret=%s val=%d\n", tf(tfret), SDL_AtomicGet(&v)); testatomic.c: printf("AtomicIncRef() tfret=%s val=%d\n", tf(tfret), SDL_AtomicGet(&v)); testatomic.c: printf("AtomicDecRef() tfret=%s val=%d\n", tf(tfret), SDL_AtomicGet(&v)); testatomic.c: printf("AtomicDecRef() tfret=%s val=%d\n", tf(tfret), SDL_AtomicGet(&v)); testatomic.c: printf("AtomicCAS() tfret=%s val=%d\n", tf(tfret), SDL_AtomicGet(&v)); testatomic.c: printf("AtomicCAS() tfret=%s val=%d\n", tf(tfret), SDL_AtomicGet(&v)); testatomic.c: printf("Thread subtracting %d %lu times\n",CountInc,N); testatomic.c: printf("Finished in %f sec\n", (end - start) / 1000.f); testatomic.c: printf("\nepic test---------------------------------------\n\n"); testatomic.c: printf("Size asserted to be >= 32-bit\n"); testatomic.c: printf("Check static initializer\n"); testatomic.c: printf("Test negative values\n"); testatomic.c: printf("Verify maximum value\n"); testatomic.c: printf("Test compare and exchange\n"); testatomic.c: printf("Test Add\n"); testatomic.c: printf("Test Add (Negative values)\n"); testatomic.c: printf("Reset before count down test\n"); testatomic.c: printf("Counting down from %d, Expect %d remaining\n",CountTo,Expect); testatomic.c: printf("Atomic %d Non-Atomic %d\n",v,bad); testatomic.c: printf("ERROR: mutex failed!\n"); testatomic.c: printf("ERROR: mutex failed!\n"); testatomic.c: printf("\nFIFO test---------------------------------------\n\n"); testatomic.c: printf("Mode: %s\n", lock_free ? "LockFree" : "Mutex"); testatomic.c: printf("Starting %d readers\n", NUM_READERS); testatomic.c: printf("Starting %d writers\n", NUM_WRITERS); testatomic.c: printf("Finished in %f sec\n", (end - start) / 1000.f); testatomic.c: printf("\n"); testatomic.c: printf("Writer %d wrote %d events, had %d waits\n", i, EVENTS_PER_WRITER, writerData[i].waits); testatomic.c: printf("Writers wrote %d total events\n", NUM_WRITERS*EVENTS_PER_WRITER); testatomic.c: printf("\n"); testatomic.c: printf("Reader %d read %d events, had %d waits\n", i, total, readerData[i].waits); testatomic.c: printf(" { "); testatomic.c: printf(", "); testatomic.c: printf("%d", readerData[i].counters[j]); testatomic.c: printf(" }\n"); testatomic.c: printf("Readers read %d total events\n", grand_total); testaudioinfo.c: printf("%s devices:\n", typestr); testaudioinfo.c: printf(" Driver can't detect specific %s devices.\n\n", typestr); testaudioinfo.c: printf(" No %s devices found.\n\n", typestr); testaudioinfo.c: printf(" %s\n", SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(i, iscapture)); testaudioinfo.c: printf("\n"); testaudioinfo.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testaudioinfo.c: printf("No built-in audio drivers\n\n"); testaudioinfo.c: printf("Built-in audio drivers:\n"); testaudioinfo.c: printf(" %s\n", SDL_GetAudioDriver(i)); testaudioinfo.c: printf("\n"); testaudioinfo.c: printf("Using audio driver: %s\n\n", SDL_GetCurrentAudioDriver()); testautomation.c: fprintf(stderr, testautomation_stdlib.c:stdlib_snprintf(void *arg) testautomation_surface.c: /*printf("Converting %s -> %s\n", SDL_GetPixelFormatName(pixel_formats[i]), SDL_GetPixelFormatName(pixel_formats[j]));*/ testdraw2.c: fprintf(stderr, testdraw2.c: printf("%2.2f frames per second\n", fps); testdrawchessboard.c: fprintf(stderr,"SDL_Init fail : %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testdrawchessboard.c: fprintf(stderr,"Window creation fail : %s\n",SDL_GetError()); testdrawchessboard.c: fprintf(stderr,"Render creation for surface fail : %s\n",SDL_GetError()); testerror.c: printf("Thread '%s' is alive!\n", (char *) data); testerror.c: printf("Child thread error string: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testerror.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testerror.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create thread: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testerror.c: printf("Waiting for thread #1\n"); testerror.c: printf("Main thread error string: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testfile.c: printf("testfile.c(%d): failed\n", line); testfile.c: printf("test1 OK\n"); testfile.c: printf("test2 OK\n"); testfile.c: printf("test3 OK\n"); testfile.c: printf("test4 OK\n"); testfile.c: printf("test5 OK\n"); testgamecontroller.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create window: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testgamecontroller.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create renderer: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testgamecontroller.c: printf("Watching controller %s\n", name ? name : "Unknown Controller"); testgamecontroller.c: printf("Controller %d axis %d ('%s') value: %d\n", testgamecontroller.c: printf("Controller %d button %d ('%s') down\n", testgamecontroller.c: printf("Controller %d button %d ('%s') up\n", testgamecontroller.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testgamecontroller.c: printf("%s %d: %s (guid %s)\n", description, i, name ? name : "Unknown", guid); testgamecontroller.c: printf("There are %d game controller(s) attached (%d joystick(s))\n", nController, SDL_NumJoysticks()); testgamecontroller.c: printf("%i is an invalid joystick index.\n", device); testgamecontroller.c: printf("Attempting to open device %i, guid %s\n", device, guid); testgamecontroller.c: printf("Couldn't open joystick %d: %s\n", device, SDL_GetError()); testgamecontroller.c: fprintf(stderr, "SDL compiled without Joystick support.\n"); testgl2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s [--fsaa n] [--accel n]\n", argv[0], testgl2.c: fprintf(stderr, "SDL_GL_CreateContext(): %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testgl2.c: printf("Screen BPP : %d\n", SDL_BITSPERPIXEL(mode.format)); testgl2.c: printf("Swap Interval : %d\n", SDL_GL_GetSwapInterval()); testgl2.c: printf("\n"); testgl2.c: printf("Vendor : %s\n", glGetString(GL_VENDOR)); testgl2.c: printf("Renderer : %s\n", glGetString(GL_RENDERER)); testgl2.c: printf("Version : %s\n", glGetString(GL_VERSION)); testgl2.c: printf("Extensions : %s\n", glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)); testgl2.c: printf("\n"); testgl2.c: printf("SDL_GL_RED_SIZE: requested %d, got %d\n", 5, value); testgl2.c: printf("Failed to get SDL_GL_RED_SIZE: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testgl2.c: printf("SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE: requested %d, got %d\n", 5, value); testgl2.c: printf("Failed to get SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testgl2.c: printf("SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE: requested %d, got %d\n", 5, value); testgl2.c: printf("Failed to get SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testgl2.c: printf("SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE: requested %d, got %d\n", 16, value); testgl2.c: printf("Failed to get SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testgl2.c: printf("SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS: requested 1, got %d\n", value); testgl2.c: printf("Failed to get SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS: %s\n", testgl2.c: printf("SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES: requested %d, got %d\n", fsaa, testgl2.c: printf("Failed to get SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES: %s\n", testgl2.c: printf("SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL: requested %d, got %d\n", accel, testgl2.c: printf("Failed to get SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL: %s\n", testgl2.c: printf("%2.2f frames per second\n", testgl2.c: printf("No OpenGL support on this system\n"); testgles.c: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s [--fsaa] [--accel] [--zdepth %%d]\n", argv[0], testgles.c: fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n"); testgles.c: fprintf(stderr, "SDL_GL_CreateContext(): %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testgles.c: printf("Screen bpp: %d\n", SDL_BITSPERPIXEL(mode.format)); testgles.c: printf("\n"); testgles.c: printf("Vendor : %s\n", glGetString(GL_VENDOR)); testgles.c: printf("Renderer : %s\n", glGetString(GL_RENDERER)); testgles.c: printf("Version : %s\n", glGetString(GL_VERSION)); testgles.c: printf("Extensions : %s\n", glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)); testgles.c: printf("\n"); testgles.c: printf("SDL_GL_RED_SIZE: requested %d, got %d\n", 5, value); testgles.c: fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get SDL_GL_RED_SIZE: %s\n", testgles.c: printf("SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE: requested %d, got %d\n", 5, value); testgles.c: fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE: %s\n", testgles.c: printf("SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE: requested %d, got %d\n", 5, value); testgles.c: fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE: %s\n", testgles.c: printf("SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE: requested %d, got %d\n", depth, value); testgles.c: fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE: %s\n", testgles.c: printf("SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS: requested 1, got %d\n", value); testgles.c: fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS: %s\n", testgles.c: printf("SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES: requested %d, got %d\n", fsaa, testgles.c: fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES: %s\n", testgles.c: printf("SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL: requested 1, got %d\n", value); testgles.c: fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL: %s\n", testgles.c: printf("SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(): %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testgles.c: printf("SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(): %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testgles.c: printf("SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(): %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testgles.c: printf("%2.2f frames per second\n", testgles.c: printf("No OpenGL ES support on this system\n"); testhaptic.c:#include /* printf */ testhaptic.c: printf("USAGE: %s [device]\n" testhaptic.c: printf("%d Haptic devices detected.\n", SDL_NumHaptics()); testhaptic.c: printf("Unable to find device matching '%s', aborting.\n", testhaptic.c: printf("Unable to create the haptic device: %s\n", testhaptic.c: printf("Device: %s\n", SDL_HapticName(i)); testhaptic.c: printf("No Haptic devices found!\n"); testhaptic.c: printf("\nUploading effects\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" effect %d: Sine Wave\n", nefx); testhaptic.c: printf("UPLOADING EFFECT ERROR: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testhaptic.c: printf(" effect %d: Sawtooth Up\n", nefx); testhaptic.c: printf("UPLOADING EFFECT ERROR: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testhaptic.c: printf(" effect %d: Constant Force\n", nefx); testhaptic.c: printf("UPLOADING EFFECT ERROR: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testhaptic.c: printf(" effect %d: Condition Spring\n", nefx); testhaptic.c: printf("UPLOADING EFFECT ERROR: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testhaptic.c: printf(" effect %d: Condition Inertia\n", nefx); testhaptic.c: printf("UPLOADING EFFECT ERROR: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testhaptic.c: printf(" effect %d: Left/Right\n", nefx); testhaptic.c: printf("UPLOADING EFFECT ERROR: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testhaptic.c: printf testhaptic.c: printf(" Playing effect %d\n", i); testhaptic.c: printf("\nAborting program execution.\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" Supported effects [%d effects, %d playing]:\n", testhaptic.c: printf(" constant\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" sine\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" square\n");*/ testhaptic.c: printf(" triangle\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" sawtoothup\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" sawtoothdown\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" ramp\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" friction\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" spring\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" damper\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" intertia\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" custom\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" left/right\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" Supported capabilities:\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" gain\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" autocenter\n"); testhaptic.c: printf(" status\n"); testhaptic.c: fprintf(stderr, "SDL compiled without Haptic support.\n"); testiconv.c: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s\n", argv[1]); testiconv.c: fprintf(stderr, "FAIL: %s\n", formats[i]); testime.c: printf("usage: testime [--font fontfile]\n"); testime.c: fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find font: %s\n", TTF_GetError()); testime.c: printf("Using font: %s\n", fontname); testime.c: fprintf(stderr, testime.c: fprintf(stderr, "Keyboard: text input \"%s\"\n", event.text.text); testime.c: fprintf(stderr, "text inputed: %s\n", text); testime.c: fprintf(stderr, "text editing \"%s\", selected range (%d, %d)\n", testintersections.c: printf("adding line (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", x1, y1, x2, y2); testintersections.c: printf("adding rect (%d, %d), (%d, %d) [%dx%d]\n", x1, y1, x2, y2, testintersections.c: fprintf(stderr, testintersections.c: printf("%2.2f frames per second\n", fps); testjoystick.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create window: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testjoystick.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create renderer: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testjoystick.c: printf("Watching joystick %d: (%s)\n", SDL_JoystickInstanceID(joystick), testjoystick.c: printf("Joystick has %d axes, %d hats, %d balls, and %d buttons\n", testjoystick.c: printf("Joystick %d axis %d value: %d\n", testjoystick.c: printf("Joystick %d hat %d value:", testjoystick.c: printf(" centered"); testjoystick.c: printf(" up"); testjoystick.c: printf(" right"); testjoystick.c: printf(" down"); testjoystick.c: printf(" left"); testjoystick.c: printf("\n"); testjoystick.c: printf("Joystick %d ball %d delta: (%d,%d)\n", testjoystick.c: printf("Joystick %d button %d down\n", testjoystick.c: printf("Joystick %d button %d up\n", testjoystick.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testjoystick.c: printf("There are %d joysticks attached\n", SDL_NumJoysticks()); testjoystick.c: printf("Joystick %d: %s\n", i, name ? name : "Unknown Joystick"); testjoystick.c: fprintf(stderr, "SDL_JoystickOpen(%d) failed: %s\n", i, testjoystick.c: printf(" axes: %d\n", SDL_JoystickNumAxes(joystick)); testjoystick.c: printf(" balls: %d\n", SDL_JoystickNumBalls(joystick)); testjoystick.c: printf(" hats: %d\n", SDL_JoystickNumHats(joystick)); testjoystick.c: printf(" buttons: %d\n", SDL_JoystickNumButtons(joystick)); testjoystick.c: printf("instance id: %d\n", SDL_JoystickInstanceID(joystick)); testjoystick.c: printf(" guid: %s\n", guid); testjoystick.c: printf("Couldn't open joystick %d: %s\n", atoi(argv[1]), SDL_GetError()); testjoystick.c: printf("Waiting for attach\n"); testjoystick.c: fprintf(stderr, "SDL compiled without Joystick support.\n"); testkeys.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testkeys.c: printf("Scancode #%d, \"%s\"\n", scancode, testloadso.c: fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s \n", app); testloadso.c: fprintf(stderr, " %s --hello \n", app); testloadso.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testloadso.c: fprintf(stderr, "SDL_LoadObject('%s') failed: %s\n", testloadso.c: fprintf(stderr, "SDL_LoadFunction('%s') failed: %s\n", testloadso.c: printf("Found %s in %s at %p\n", symname, libname, fn); testloadso.c: printf("Calling function...\n"); testloadso.c: printf("...apparently, we survived. :)\n"); testloadso.c: printf("Unloading library...\n"); testlock.c: printf("Process %lu: exiting\n", SDL_ThreadID()); testlock.c: printf("Process %lu: Cleaning up...\n", id == mainthread ? 0 : id); testlock.c: printf("Process %lu ready to work\n", SDL_ThreadID()); testlock.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't lock mutex: %s", SDL_GetError()); testlock.c: printf("Process %lu, working!\n", SDL_ThreadID()); testlock.c: printf("Process %lu, done!\n", SDL_ThreadID()); testlock.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't unlock mutex: %s", SDL_GetError()); testlock.c: printf("Process %lu: raising SIGTERM\n", SDL_ThreadID()); testlock.c: fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", SDL_GetError()); testlock.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create mutex: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testlock.c: printf("Main thread: %lu\n", mainthread); testlock.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create thread!\n"); testmessage.c: printf("Error Presenting MessageBox: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testmessage.c: printf("Pressed button: %d, %s\n", button, button == 1 ? "Cancel" : "OK"); testmessage.c: printf("Error Presenting MessageBox: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testmessage.c: printf("Error Presenting MessageBox: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testmessage.c: printf("Error Presenting MessageBox: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testmessage.c: printf("Error Presenting MessageBox: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testmessage.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL video subsystem: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testmessage.c: printf("Message box thread return %i\n", status); testmessage.c: printf("Error Presenting MessageBox: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testmultiaudio.c: fprintf(stderr, "Too many devices (%d), clamping to 64...\n", testmultiaudio.c: printf("playing on device #%d: ('%s')...", i, devname); testmultiaudio.c: printf("\nOpen device failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testmultiaudio.c: printf("done.\n"); testmultiaudio.c: printf("playing on all devices...\n"); testmultiaudio.c: printf("Open device %d failed: %s\n", i, SDL_GetError()); testmultiaudio.c: printf("All done!\n"); testmultiaudio.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testmultiaudio.c: printf("Using audio driver: %s\n", SDL_GetCurrentAudioDriver()); testmultiaudio.c: fprintf(stderr, "Don't see any specific audio devices!\n"); testmultiaudio.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load %s: %s\n", argv[1], testnative.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load %s: %s", file, SDL_GetError()); testnative.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testnative.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL video: %s\n", testnative.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find native window code for %s driver\n", testnative.c: printf("Creating native window for %s driver\n", driver); testnative.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create native window\n"); testnative.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create SDL window: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testnative.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create renderer: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testnative.c: fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n"); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [arg] [arg] [arg] ...\n", argv0); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, "\n"); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Where 'arg' is any of the following options:\n"); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, "\n"); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, " -fps \n"); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, " -nodelay\n"); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, " -format (one of the: YV12, IYUV, YUY2, UYVY, YVYU)\n"); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, " -scale (initial scale of the overlay)\n"); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, " -help (shows this help)\n"); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, "\n"); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, "\n"); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option: %s.\n", argv[1]); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate memory for movie !\n"); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Can't find the file moose.dat !\n"); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set create window: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set create renderer: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testoverlay2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set create texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testplatform.c: printf("sizeof(Uint8) != 1, instead = %u\n", testplatform.c: printf("sizeof(Uint16) != 2, instead = %u\n", testplatform.c: printf("sizeof(Uint32) != 4, instead = %u\n", testplatform.c: printf("sizeof(Uint64) != 8, instead = %u\n", testplatform.c: printf("All data types are the expected size.\n"); testplatform.c: printf("Detected a %s endian machine.\n", testplatform.c: printf("Actually a %s endian machine!\n", testplatform.c: printf("Value 16 = 0x%X, swapped = 0x%X\n", value16, testplatform.c: printf("16 bit value swapped incorrectly!\n"); testplatform.c: printf("Value 32 = 0x%X, swapped = 0x%X\n", value32, testplatform.c: printf("32 bit value swapped incorrectly!\n"); testplatform.c: printf("Value 64 = 0x%I64X, swapped = 0x%I64X\n", value64, testplatform.c: printf("Value 64 = 0x%llX, swapped = 0x%llX\n", testplatform.c: printf("64 bit value swapped incorrectly!\n"); testplatform.c: printf("CPU count: %d\n", SDL_GetCPUCount()); testplatform.c: printf("CPU cache line size: %d\n", SDL_GetCPUCacheLineSize()); testplatform.c: printf("RDTSC %s\n", SDL_HasRDTSC()? "detected" : "not detected"); testplatform.c: printf("AltiVec %s\n", SDL_HasAltiVec()? "detected" : "not detected"); testplatform.c: printf("MMX %s\n", SDL_HasMMX()? "detected" : "not detected"); testplatform.c: printf("3DNow! %s\n", SDL_Has3DNow()? "detected" : "not detected"); testplatform.c: printf("SSE %s\n", SDL_HasSSE()? "detected" : "not detected"); testplatform.c: printf("SSE2 %s\n", SDL_HasSSE2()? "detected" : "not detected"); testplatform.c: printf("SSE3 %s\n", SDL_HasSSE3()? "detected" : "not detected"); testplatform.c: printf("SSE4.1 %s\n", SDL_HasSSE41()? "detected" : "not detected"); testplatform.c: printf("SSE4.2 %s\n", SDL_HasSSE42()? "detected" : "not detected"); testplatform.c: printf("'%s', %s (%s:%d), triggered %u times, always ignore: %s.\n", testplatform.c: printf("This system is running %s\n", SDL_GetPlatform()); testpower.c: printf("SDL-reported power info...\n"); testpower.c: printf("State: %s\n", statestr); testpower.c: printf("Percent left: unknown\n"); testpower.c: printf("Percent left: %d%%\n", percent); testpower.c: printf("Time left: unknown\n"); testpower.c: printf("Time left: %d minutes, %d seconds\n", (int) (seconds / 60), testpower.c: fprintf(stderr, "SDL_Init() failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testrelative.c: /*printf("mouse motion ABS x %d y %d REL x %d y %d\n",event.motion.x,event.motion.y,event.motion.xrel,event.motion.yrel);*/ testrendercopyex.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load %s: %s", file, SDL_GetError()); testrendercopyex.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testrendercopyex.c: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], SDLTest_CommonUsage(state)); testrendercopyex.c: printf("%2.2f frames per second\n", fps); testrendertarget.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load %s: %s", file, SDL_GetError()); testrendertarget.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testrendertarget.c: printf("Blended pixel: 0x%8.8X\n", P); testrendertarget.c: fprintf(stderr, testrendertarget.c: printf("%2.2f frames per second\n", fps); testresample.c: fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s in.wav out.wav newfreq\n", argv[0]); testresample.c: fprintf(stderr, "SDL_Init() failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testresample.c: fprintf(stderr, "failed to load %s: %s\n", argv[1], SDL_GetError()); testresample.c: fprintf(stderr, "failed to build CVT: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testresample.c: fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.\n"); testresample.c: fprintf(stderr, "Conversion failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testresample.c: fprintf(stderr, "fopen('%s') failed: %s\n", argv[2], SDL_GetError()); testresample.c: fprintf(stderr, "fclose('%s') failed: %s\n", argv[2], SDL_GetError()); testrumble.c:#include /* printf */ testrumble.c: printf("USAGE: %s [device]\n" testrumble.c: printf("%d Haptic devices detected.\n", SDL_NumHaptics()); testrumble.c: printf("Unable to find device matching '%s', aborting.\n", testrumble.c: printf("Unable to create the haptic device: %s\n", testrumble.c: printf("Device: %s\n", SDL_HapticName(i)); testrumble.c: printf("No Haptic devices found!\n"); testrumble.c: printf("\nRumble not supported!\n"); testrumble.c: printf("\nFailed to initialize rumble: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testrumble.c: printf("Playing 2 second rumble at 0.5 magnitude.\n"); testrumble.c: printf("\nFailed to play rumble: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); testrumble.c: printf("Stopping rumble.\n"); testrumble.c: printf("Playing 2 second rumble at 0.3 magnitude.\n"); testrumble.c: printf("\nFailed to play rumble: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); testrumble.c: fprintf(stderr, "SDL compiled without Haptic support.\n"); testscale.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load %s: %s", file, SDL_GetError()); testscale.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testscale.c: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], SDLTest_CommonUsage(state)); testscale.c: printf("%2.2f frames per second\n", fps); testsem.c: fprintf(stderr, testsem.c: fprintf(stderr, testsem.c: printf("Thread number %d exiting.\n", threadnum); testsem.c: printf("Waiting 2 seconds on semaphore\n"); testsem.c: printf("Wait done.\n"); testsem.c: fprintf(stderr, "Wait took %d milliseconds\n", duration); testsem.c: fprintf(stderr, "SDL_SemWaitTimeout returned: %d; expected: %d\n", retval, SDL_MUTEX_TIMEDOUT); testsem.c: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s init_value\n", argv[0]); testsem.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testsem.c: printf("Running %d threads, semaphore value = %d\n", NUM_THREADS, testsem.c: printf("Waiting for threads to finish\n"); testsem.c: printf("Finished waiting for threads\n"); testshader.c:#include /* for printf() */ testshader.c: fprintf(stderr, "Failed to compile shader:\n%s\n%s", source, info); testshader.c: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to compile shader!\n"); testshader.c: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testshader.c: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create OpenGL window: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testshader.c: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create OpenGL context: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testshader.c: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load icon.bmp: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testshader.c: printf("Shaders supported, press SPACE to cycle them.\n"); testshader.c: printf("Shaders not supported!\n"); testshader.c: printf("No OpenGL support on this system\n"); testshape.c: printf("SDL_Shape requires at least one bitmap file as argument.\n"); testshape.c: printf("Could not initialize SDL video.\n"); testshape.c: printf("Could not load surface from named bitmap file.\n"); testshape.c: printf("Could not create shaped window for SDL_Shape.\n"); testshape.c: printf("Could not create rendering context for SDL_Shape window.\n"); testshape.c: printf("Could not create texture for SDL_shape.\n"); testsprite2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load %s: %s", file, SDL_GetError()); testsprite2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testsprite2.c: fprintf(stderr, testsprite2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n"); testsprite2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n"); testsprite2.c: printf("%2.2f frames per second\n", fps); testspriteminimal.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load %s: %s\n", file, SDL_GetError()); testspriteminimal.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); teststreaming.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't lock texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); teststreaming.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); teststreaming.c: fprintf(stderr, "Can't find the file moose.dat !\n"); teststreaming.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set create window: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); teststreaming.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set create renderer: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); teststreaming.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set create texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testthread.c: printf("Started thread %s: My thread id is %lu, thread data = %s\n", testthread.c: printf("Thread '%s' is alive!\n", (char *) data); testthread.c: printf("Thread '%s' exiting!\n", (char *) data); testthread.c: printf("Killed with SIGTERM, waiting 5 seconds to exit\n"); testthread.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testthread.c: printf("Main thread data initially: %s\n", (const char *)SDL_TLSGet(tls)); testthread.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create thread: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testthread.c: printf("Waiting for thread #1\n"); testthread.c: printf("Main thread data finally: %s\n", (const char *)SDL_TLSGet(tls)); testthread.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create thread: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testtimer.c: printf("Timer %d : param = %d\n", interval, (int) (uintptr_t) param); testtimer.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testtimer.c: printf("Waiting 10 seconds\n"); testtimer.c: fprintf(stderr, testtimer.c: printf("Testing multiple timers...\n"); testtimer.c: fprintf(stderr, "Could not create timer 1: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testtimer.c: fprintf(stderr, "Could not create timer 2: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testtimer.c: fprintf(stderr, "Could not create timer 3: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); testtimer.c: printf("Waiting 10 seconds\n"); testtimer.c: printf("Removing timer 1 and waiting 5 more seconds\n"); testtimer.c: printf("1 million iterations of ticktock took %f ms\n", (double)((now - start)*1000) / SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency()); testtimer.c: printf("Performance counter frequency: %llu\n", (unsigned long long) SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency()); testtimer.c: printf("Delay 1 second = %d ms in ticks, %f ms according to performance counter\n", (now32-start32), (double)((now - start)*1000) / SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency()); testver.c: printf("Compiled with SDL 2.0 or newer\n"); testver.c: printf("Compiled with SDL older than 2.0\n"); testver.c: printf("Compiled version: %d.%d.%d.%d (%s)\n", testver.c: printf("Linked version: %d.%d.%d.%d (%s)\n", testwm2.c: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], SDLTest_CommonUsage(state)); testwm2.c: printf("Window %d resized to %dx%d\n", testwm2.c: printf("Window %d moved to %d,%d (display %s)\n", torturethread.c: fprintf(stderr, "Creating Thread %d\n", tid); torturethread.c: printf("Thread '%d' waiting for signal\n", tid); torturethread.c: printf("Thread '%d' sending signals to subthreads\n", tid); torturethread.c: printf("Thread '%d' exiting!\n", tid); torturethread.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); torturethread.c: fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create thread: %s\n", SDL_GetError());